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import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.conv: to; static struct S { @serdeIgnore string str; @safe pure: string a() @property { return str; } void b(int s) @property { str =!string; } } assert(S("str").serializeJson == `{"a":"str"}`); assert(`{"b":123}`.deserializeJson!S.str == "123");
Support for custom nullable types (types that has a bool property isNull,
non-void property get returning payload and void property nullify that
makes nullable type to null value)
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; static struct MyNullable { long value; @safe pure: @property isNull() const { return value == 0; } @property get() { return value; } @property nullify() { value = 0; } auto opAssign(long value) { this.value = value; } } static struct Foo { MyNullable my_nullable; string field; bool opEquals()(auto ref const(typeof(this)) rhs) { if (my_nullable.isNull && rhs.my_nullable.isNull) return field == rhs.field; if (my_nullable.isNull != rhs.my_nullable.isNull) return false; return my_nullable == rhs.my_nullable && field == rhs.field; } } Foo foo; foo.field = "it's a foo"; assert (serializeJson(foo) == `{"my_nullable":null,"field":"it's a foo"}`); foo.my_nullable = 200; assert (deserializeJson!Foo(`{"my_nullable":200,"field":"it's a foo"}`) == Foo(MyNullable(200), "it's a foo")); import mir.algebraic: Nullable; static struct Bar { Nullable!long nullable; string field; bool opEquals()(auto ref const(typeof(this)) rhs) { if (nullable.isNull && rhs.nullable.isNull) return field == rhs.field; if (nullable.isNull != rhs.nullable.isNull) return false; return nullable == rhs.nullable && field == rhs.field; } } Bar bar; bar.field = "it's a bar"; assert (serializeJson(bar) == `{"nullable":null,"field":"it's a bar"}`); bar.nullable = 777; assert (deserializeJson!Bar(`{"nullable":777,"field":"it's a bar"}`) == Bar(Nullable!long(777), "it's a bar"));
import mir.ser.ion; import mir.ser.json; import; IonValueStream[string] map; map["num"] = IonValueStream(serializeIon(124)); map["str"] = IonValueStream(serializeIon("value")); auto json = map.serializeJson; assert(json == `{"str":"value","num":124}` || json == `{"num":124,"str":"value"}`);
Support for floating point nan and (partial) infinity
import mir.conv: to; import mir.ser.ion; import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.ion.conv; static struct Foo { float f; bool opEquals()(auto ref const(typeof(this)) rhs) { return f != f && rhs.f != rhs.f || f == rhs.f; } } // test for Not a Number assert (serializeJson(Foo()) == `{"f":"nan"}`, serializeJson(Foo())); assert (serializeIon(Foo()).ion2json == `{"f":"nan"}`, serializeIon(Foo()).ion2json); assert (deserializeJson!Foo(`{"f":"nan"}`) == Foo(), deserializeJson!Foo(`{"f":"nan"}`).to!string); assert (serializeJson(Foo(1f/0f)) == `{"f":"+inf"}`); assert (serializeIon(Foo(1f/0f)).ion2json == `{"f":"+inf"}`); assert (deserializeJson!Foo(`{"f":"+inf"}`) == Foo( float.infinity)); assert (deserializeJson!Foo(`{"f":"-inf"}`) == Foo(-float.infinity)); assert (serializeJson(Foo(-1f/0f)) == `{"f":"-inf"}`); assert (serializeIon(Foo(-1f/0f)).ion2json == `{"f":"-inf"}`); assert (deserializeJson!Foo(`{"f":"-inf"}`) == Foo(-float.infinity));
import mir.ser.ion; import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.ion.conv; static struct S { string foo; uint bar; } static immutable json = `{"foo":"str","bar":4}`; assert(serializeIon(S("str", 4)).ion2json == json); assert(serializeJson(S("str", 4)) == json); assert(deserializeJson!S(json) == S("str", 4));
Proxy for members
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; struct S { // const(char)[] doesn't reallocate ASDF data. @serdeProxy!(const(char)[]) uint bar; } auto json = `{"bar":"4"}`; assert(serializeJson(S(4)) == json); assert(deserializeJson!S(json) == S(4));
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.serde: serdeKeys; static struct S { @serdeKeys("b", "a") string s; } assert(`{"a":"d"}`.deserializeJson!S.serializeJson == `{"b":"d"}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.serde: serdeKeys, serdeKeyOut; static struct S { @serdeKeys("a") @serdeKeyOut("s") string s; } assert(`{"a":"d"}`.deserializeJson!S.serializeJson == `{"s":"d"}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import std.exception: assertThrown; struct S { string field; } assert(`{"field":"val"}`.deserializeJson!S.field == "val"); // assertThrown(`{"other":"val"}`.deserializeJson!S);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; static struct S { @serdeKeyOut("a") string s; } assert(`{"s":"d"}`.deserializeJson!S.serializeJson == `{"a":"d"}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import std.exception: assertThrown; static struct S { @serdeIgnore string s; } // assertThrown(`{"s":"d"}`.deserializeJson!S); assert(S("d").serializeJson == `{}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; static struct Decor { int candles; // 0 float fluff = float.infinity; // inf } static struct Cake { @serdeIgnoreDefault string name = "Chocolate Cake"; @serdeIgnoreDefault string nullStr; @serdeIgnoreDefault string emptyStr = ""; int slices = 8; float flavor = 1; @serdeIgnoreDefault Decor dec = Decor(20); // { 20, inf } } assert(Cake("Normal Cake", "", null).serializeJson == `{"name":"Normal Cake","slices":8,"flavor":1.0}`); auto cake = Cake.init; cake.dec = Decor.init; assert(cake.serializeJson == `{"slices":8,"flavor":1.0,"dec":{"candles":0,"fluff":"+inf"}}`); assert(cake.dec.serializeJson == `{"candles":0,"fluff":"+inf"}`); static struct A { @serdeIgnoreDefault string str = "Banana"; int i = 1; } assert(A.init.serializeJson == `{"i":1}`); static struct S { @serdeIgnoreDefault A a; } assert(S.init.serializeJson == `{}`); assert(S(A("Berry")).serializeJson == `{"a":{"str":"Berry","i":1}}`); static struct D { S s; } assert(D.init.serializeJson == `{"s":{}}`); assert(D(S(A("Berry"))).serializeJson == `{"s":{"a":{"str":"Berry","i":1}}}`); assert(D(S(A(null, 0))).serializeJson == `{"s":{"a":{"str":"","i":0}}}`); static struct F { D d; } assert(F.init.serializeJson == `{"d":{"s":{}}}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.serde: serdeIgnoreOut; static struct S { @serdeIgnoreOut string s; } assert(`{"s":"d"}`.deserializeJson!S.s == "d"); assert(S("d").serializeJson == `{}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; static struct CustomType { int a; // can be part of a type as well (only omits on property keys) bool serdeIgnoreOut() const { return a < 0; } // and use custom serializer to serialize as int void serialize(S)(ref S serializer) const { import mir.ser : serializeValue; serializeValue(serializer, a); } } static struct S { @serdeIgnoreOutIf!`a < 0` int a; // b is not output if the serdeIgnoreOut property in its type evaluates to false. CustomType b; } assert(serializeJson(S(3, CustomType(2))) == `{"a":3,"b":2}`, serializeJson(S(3, CustomType(2)))); assert(serializeJson(S(-3, CustomType(-2))) == `{}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import std.uuid: UUID; static struct S { @serdeScoped @serdeProxy!string UUID id; } enum result = UUID("8AB3060E-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46"); assert(`{"id":"8AB3060E-2cba-4f23-b74c-b52db3bdfb46"}`.deserializeJson! == result);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import mir.ion.value; import mir.algebraic: Variant; static struct ObjectA { string name; } static struct ObjectB { double value; } alias MyObject = Variant!(ObjectA, ObjectB); static struct MyObjectArrayProxy { MyObject[] array; this(MyObject[] array) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { this.array = array; } T opCast(T : MyObject[])() { return array; } void serialize(S)(ref S serializer) const { import mir.ser: serializeValue; // mir.algebraic has builtin support for serialization. // For other algebraic libraies one can use thier visitor handlers. serializeValue(serializer, array); } /++ Returns: error msg if any +/ @safe pure IonException deserializeFromIon(scope const char[][] symbolTable, IonDescribedValue value) { import mir.deser.ion: deserializeIon; import mir.ion.exception; foreach (IonErrorCode error, IonDescribedValue elem; value.get!IonList) { if (error) return error.ionException; array ~= "name" in elem.get!IonStruct.withSymbols(symbolTable) ? MyObject(deserializeIon!ObjectA(symbolTable, elem)) : MyObject(deserializeIon!ObjectB(symbolTable, elem)); } return null; } } static struct SomeObject { @serdeProxy!MyObjectArrayProxy MyObject[] objects; } string data = q{{"objects":[{"name":"test"},{"value":1.5}]}}; auto value = data.deserializeDynamicJson!SomeObject; assert (value.serializeJson == data, value.serializeJson);
reflectSerde support
import mir.reflection: reflectSerde; static struct S { @reflectSerde enum s = "str"; } import mir.ser.text: serializeText; assert(S().serializeText == `{s:"str"}`);
serdeIgnoreUnexpectedKeys support
import mir.serde: serdeIgnoreUnexpectedKeys; @serdeIgnoreUnexpectedKeys static struct S { int i; } import mir.deser.text: deserializeText; assert(`{s:"str",i:4}`.deserializeText!S == S(4));
Iterable and serdeLikeList
import mir.deser.text: deserializeText; import mir.ser.text: serializeText; import mir.serde: serdeIgnoreOut, serdeLikeList, serdeProxy, serdeKeys; import std.array: Appender; static struct S { @serdeLikeList @serdeProxy!string // input element type of @serdeIgnoreOut @serdeKeys("strings") Appender!(string[]) stringsApp; //`put` method is used this(const(string)[] strings) { stringsApp.put(strings); } auto strings() const @property // Iterable { import mir.ndslice.topology: map; return!((string s) => "_" ~ s); } } assert(S([`a`, `b`]).serializeText == `{strings:["_a","_b"]}`); assert(`{strings:["a","b"]}`.deserializeText! == [`a`, `b`]); @serdeLikeList @serdeProxy!string // input element type of static struct C { /// Used to make S deserializable Appender!(string[]) stringsApp; //`put` method is used alias stringsApp this; this(const(string)[] strings) { stringsApp.put(strings); } /// To make C iterable and serializable auto opIndex() const { return; } } static struct S2 { static prop() @property { return "100"; }; } assert(S2().serializeText == `{prop:"100"}`, S2().serializeText); assert(C([`a`, `b`]).serializeText == `["a","b"]`); assert(`["a","b"]`.deserializeText! == [`a`, `b`]);
import mir.ser.text: serializeText; import mir.deser.text: deserializeText; import mir.serde: serdeLikeStruct, serdeProxy; // opApply for serialization & and opIndexAssign for deserialization static struct M { private int sum; // opApply is used for serialization int opApply(int delegate(scope const char[] key, ref const int val) pure @safe dg) pure @safe { { int var = 1; if (auto r = dg("a", var)) return r; } { int var = 2; if (auto r = dg("b", var)) return r; } { int var = 3; if (auto r = dg("c", var)) return r; } return 0; } // opIndexAssign for deserialization void opIndexAssign(int val, string key) pure @safe { sum += val; } } // attribute on member + opApply static struct S { @serdeLikeStruct @serdeProxy!int // for deserialization M obj; } assert(S().serializeText == `{obj:{a:1,b:2,c:3}}`); assert(`{obj:{a:1,b:2,c:3}}`.deserializeText!S.obj.sum == 6); // attribute on type + opApply @serdeLikeStruct @serdeProxy!int // for deserialization static struct C { M obj; alias obj this; } assert(C().serializeText == `{a:1,b:2,c:3}`); assert(`{a:1,b:2,c:3}`.deserializeText!C.obj.sum == 6); // byKeyValue static struct D { static struct KeyValue { string key; int value; } KeyValue[] byKeyValue = [KeyValue("a", 1), KeyValue("b", 2), KeyValue("c", 3)]; } // attribute on member + byKeyValue static struct F { @serdeLikeStruct D obj; } assert(F().serializeText == `{obj:{a:1,b:2,c:3}}`); // attribute on type + byKeyValue @serdeLikeStruct static struct B { D obj; alias obj this; } assert(B().serializeText == `{a:1,b:2,c:3}`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; import std.range; import std.algorithm; import std.conv; static struct S { @serdeTransformIn!"a += 2" @serdeTransformOut!(a =>"str".repeat.take(a).joiner("_").to!string) int a; } auto s = deserializeJson!S(`{"a":3}`); assert(s.a == 5); assert(serializeJson(s) == `{"a":"str_str_str_str_str"}`);
static struct Toto { import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; Slice!(int*, 2) a; Slice!(int*, 1) b; this(int x) @safe pure nothrow { import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, repeat; import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; a = [2, 3].iota!int.slice; b = repeat(x, [2]).slice; } } auto toto = Toto(5); import mir.ser.json: serializeJson; import mir.deser.json: deserializeJson; auto description = toto.serializeJson!Toto; assert(description == q{{"a":[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]],"b":[5,5]}}); assert(toto == description.deserializeJson!Toto);
static struct Toto { import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; import mir.rc.array: RCI; Slice!(RCI!int, 2) a; Slice!(RCI!int, 1) b; this(int x) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, repeat; import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice; a = [2, 3].iota!int.rcslice; b = repeat(x, [2]).rcslice; } } auto toto = Toto(5); import mir.ser.json: serializeJson; import mir.deser.json: deserializeJson; import mir.format: stringBuf; stringBuf buffer; serializeJson(buffer, toto); auto description =; assert(description == q{{"a":[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]],"b":[5,5]}}); assert(toto == description.deserializeJson!Toto);
User defined algebraic types deserialization supports any subset of the following types:
- typeof(null)
- bool
- long
- double
- string
- AnyType[]
- StringMap!AnyType
- AnyType[string]
import mir.string_map; import mir.deser.ion: deserializeIon; import mir.ion.conv: json2ion, ion2text; import mir.algebraic: Nullable, This; // Nullable, Variant, or TaggedVariant alias MyJsonAlgebraic = Nullable!(bool, string, double[], StringMap!This); auto json = `{"b" : true, "z" : null, "this" : {"c" : "str", "d" : [1, 2, 3, 4]}}`; auto binary = json.json2ion; auto value = binary.deserializeIon!MyJsonAlgebraic; auto object = value.get!(StringMap!MyJsonAlgebraic); assert(object["b"].get!bool == true); assert(object["z"].isNull); object = object["this"].get!(StringMap!MyJsonAlgebraic); assert(object["c"].get!string == "str"); assert(object["d"].get!(double[]) == [1.0, 2, 3, 4]);
import mir.algebraic_alias.json; import mir.ser.json: serializeJson; auto value = [JsonAlgebraic[].init.JsonAlgebraic, StringMap!JsonAlgebraic.init.JsonAlgebraic, string.init.JsonAlgebraic]; assert(value.serializeJson == `[[],{},""]`, value.serializeJson);
import mir.serde : serdeFallbackStruct; import mir.algebraic; import mir.deser.text; import mir.deser.json; @serdeFallbackStruct struct S { string path; } alias V = Variant!(string, S); static immutable res = [V("str"), V(S("root"))]; assert(q{["str", {path: root}]}.deserializeText!(V[]) == res); assert(q{["str", {"path": "root"}]}.deserializeDynamicJson!(V[]) == res);
Date serialization
import; import mir.ion.conv: ion2text; import mir.ser.ion: serializeIon; import mir.ser.json: serializeJson; import mir.ser.text: serializeText; assert(Date(2021, 4, 24).serializeIon.ion2text == `2021-04-24`); assert(Date(2021, 4, 24).serializeText == `2021-04-24`); assert(Date(2021, 4, 24).serializeJson == `"2021-04-24"`);
Timestamp and LOB support in algebraic types
import mir.algebraic; import mir.deser.ion: deserializeIon; import mir.ser.ion: serializeIon; import mir.lob; import mir.string_map; import mir.timestamp; alias IonLikeAlgebraic = Variant!(Blob, Clob, Timestamp, double, long, string, StringMap!This, This[]); StringMap!IonLikeAlgebraic map; map["ts"] = Timestamp(2021, 4, 24); map["clob"] = Clob("Some clob"); map["blob"] = Blob([0x32, 0x52]); assert(map.serializeIon.deserializeIon!(StringMap!IonLikeAlgebraic) == map);
Phobos date-time serialization
import core.time : hnsecs, minutes; import mir.ion.conv: ion2text; import mir.ser.ion: serializeIon; import mir.ser.json: serializeJson; import mir.ser.text: serializeText; import mir.deser.ion: deserializeIon; import mir.deser.json: deserializeJson; import : Date, DateTime; import std.datetime.systime : SysTime; import std.datetime.timezone : SimpleTimeZone; auto date = Date(2021, 4, 24); assert(date.serializeIon.ion2text == `2021-04-24`); assert(date.serializeText == `2021-04-24`); assert(date.serializeJson == `"2021-04-24"`); assert(`"2021-04-24"`.deserializeJson!Date == date); auto datetime = DateTime(1982, 4, 1, 20, 59, 22); assert(datetime.serializeIon.ion2text == `1982-04-01T20:59:22Z`); assert(datetime.serializeText == `1982-04-01T20:59:22Z`); assert(datetime.serializeJson == `"1982-04-01T20:59:22Z"`); assert(`"1982-04-01T20:59:22Z"`.deserializeJson!DateTime == datetime); auto dt = DateTime(1982, 4, 1, 20, 59, 22); auto tz = new immutable SimpleTimeZone(-330.minutes); auto st = SysTime(dt, 1234567.hnsecs, tz); assert(st.serializeIon.ion2text == `1982-04-01T20:59:22.1234567-05:30`); assert(st.serializeText == `1982-04-01T20:59:22.1234567-05:30`); assert(st.serializeJson == `"1982-04-01T20:59:22.1234567-05:30"`); assert(st.serializeIon.deserializeIon!SysTime == st); assert(`"1982-04-01T20:59:22.1234567-05:30"`.deserializeJson!SysTime == st);
Static array support
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; int[3] value = [1, 2, 3]; assert(`[1,2,3]`.deserializeJson!(int[3]) == value); assert(value.serializeJson == `[1,2,3]`);
import mir.ser.json; import mir.deser.json; static struct S { int v; } S[3] value = [S(1), S(2), S(3)]; auto text = `[{"v":1},{"v":2},{"v":3}]`; assert(text.deserializeJson!(S[3]) == value); assert(value.serializeJson == text);
auto json = q{{ "a": [ 0.0031 ], "b": [ 0.999475, 0.999425 ] }}; import mir.deser.json; static struct S { double[] a; void serdeUnexpectedKeyHandler(scope const(char)[] key) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { assert(key == "b"); } } auto value = json.deserializeJson!(double[][string]); auto partialStruct = json.deserializeJson!S;
auto json = q{{ "index": 0.9962125, "data": 0.0001 }}; import mir.deser.json; import mir.series; alias T = Observation!(double, double); auto value = json.deserializeJson!T; assert(value.index == 0.9962125); assert( == 0.0001);
static class MyHugeRESTString { string s; this(string s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { this.s = s; } void serialize(S)(ref S serializer) const { auto state = serializer.stringBegin; // putStringPart is usefull in the loop and with buffers serializer.putStringPart(s); serializer.putStringPart(" Another chunk."); serializer.stringEnd(state); } } import mir.algebraic: Nullable, This; import mir.string_map; // Your JSON DOM Type alias Json = Nullable!(bool, long, double, string, MyHugeRESTString, StringMap!This, This[]); /// ordered StringMap!Json response; response["type"] = Json("response"); response["data"] = Json(new MyHugeRESTString("First chunk.")); import mir.ion.conv: ion2text; import mir.ser.ion; import mir.ser.json; import mir.ser.text; assert(response.serializeJson == `{"type":"response","data":"First chunk. Another chunk."}`); assert(response.serializeText == `{type:"response",data:"First chunk. Another chunk."}`); assert(response.serializeIon.ion2text == `{type:"response",data:"First chunk. Another chunk."}`);
Float proxy for integer types
import mir.deser.json; static struct S { @serdeProxy!double long integralValue; } assert(`{"integralValue":1.23e+2}`.deserializeJson!S.integralValue == 123);
Annotated variant
import mir.algebraic; import mir.deser.json; import mir.deser.text; import mir.ser.json; import mir.ser.text; @serdeAlgebraicAnnotation("s1") static struct S1 { string key; } @serdeAlgebraicAnnotation("s2") static struct S2 { long key; } alias V = Variant!(S1, S2); auto v = V(S2(123)); auto ion = `s2::{key:123}`; auto json = `{"s2":{"key":123}}`; assert(v.serializeText == ion); assert(ion.deserializeText!V == v); assert(v.serializeJson == json); assert(json.deserializeJson!V == v);
Annotated arrays
import mir.algebraic; import mir.deser.ion; import mir.ser.ion; import mir.ser.text; import mir.serde; @serdeAlgebraicAnnotation("annotation") @serdeProxy!(long[]) static struct St3 { long[] arr; alias arr this; } alias V = Variant!St3; assert(V(St3([123])).serializeText == `annotation::[123]`); assert(V(St3([123])).serializeIon.deserializeIon!V == St3([123]));
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