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struct IonErrorInfo;
IonErrorCode code;
size_t location;
const(char)[] key;
refers tape or text
IonErrorInfo singleThreadJsonImpl(size_t nMax, alias fillBuffer, SymbolTable, TapeHolder)(ref SymbolTable table, ref TapeHolder tapeHolder)
if (nMax % 64 == 0 && nMax);
IonErrorInfo singleThreadJsonText(size_t nMax, SymbolTable, TapeHolder)(ref SymbolTable table, ref TapeHolder tapeHolder, scope const(char)[] text)
if (nMax % 64 == 0 && nMax);
static ubyte[] jsonToIonTest(scope const(char)[] text)
@trusted pure
    import mir.serde: SerdeMirException;
    import mir.ion.exception: ionErrorMsg;
    import mir.ion.internal.data_holder;
    import mir.ion.symbol_table;

    enum nMax = 128u;

    IonSymbolTable!false table = void;
    IonTapeHolder!(nMax * 4) tapeHolder = void;

    auto errorInfo = singleThreadJsonText!nMax(table, tapeHolder, text);
    if (errorInfo.code)
        throw new SerdeMirException(errorInfo.code.ionErrorMsg, ". location = ", errorInfo.location, ", last input key = ", errorInfo.key);

    return tapeHolder.tapeData.dup;

import mir.ion.value;
import mir.ion.type_code;

assert(jsonToIonTest("1 2 3") == [0x21, 1, 0x21, 2, 0x21, 3]);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("12345")).describe.get!IonUInt.get!ulong == 12345);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("-12345")).describe.get!IonNInt.get!long == -12345);
// assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("-12.345")).describe.get!IonDecimal.get!double == -12.345);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("\t \r\n-12345e-3 \t\r\n")).describe.get!IonFloat.get!double == -12.345);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(" -12345e-3 ")).describe.get!IonFloat.get!double == -12.345);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("   null")).describe.get!IonNull == IonNull(IonTypeCode.null_));
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("true ")).describe.get!bool == true);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest("  false")).describe.get!bool == false);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(` "string"`)).describe.get!(const(char)[]) == "string");

enum str = "iwfpwqocbpwoewouivhqpeobvnqeon wlekdnfw;lefqoeifhq[woifhdq[owifhq[owiehfq[woiehf[  oiehwfoqwewefiqweopurefhqweoifhqweofihqeporifhq3eufh38hfoidf";
auto data = jsonToIonTest(`"` ~ str ~ `"`);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(`"` ~ str ~ `"`)).describe.get!(const(char)[]) == str);

assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(`"hey \uD801\uDC37tee"`)).describe.get!(const(char)[]) == "hey 𐐷tee");
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(`[]`)).describe.get! == 0);
assert(IonValue(jsonToIonTest(`{}`)).describe.get! == 0);

// assert(jsonToIonTest(" [ {}, true , \t\r\nfalse, null, \"string\", 12.3 ]") ==
    // cast(ubyte[])"\xbe\x8e\xd0\x11\x10\x0f\x86\x73\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67\x52\xc1\x7b");

data = jsonToIonTest(` { "a": "b",  "key": ["array", {"a": "c" } ] } `);
assert(data == cast(ubyte[])"\xde\x8f\x8a\x81b\x8b\xba\x85array\xd3\x8a\x81c");

data = jsonToIonTest(
        "19th century"
IonErrorInfo singleThreadJsonFile(size_t nMax, SymbolTable, TapeHolder)(ref SymbolTable table, ref TapeHolder tapeHolder, scope const(char)[] fileName)
if (nMax % 64 == 0 && nMax);